Sunday, May 1, 2011

Once Again... Part Three...

First.. Let me start by saying: That whole "Part (whatever) tomorrow" shit?
Moving on...

Donald Lord was at it again.

Turns out, he was calling and e-mailing McDonald's Corporate once more, six months into my transfer.. Saying I should be`FIRED, and all they did was transfer me... blah blah blah. For the love of Pete.... What the fuck did I do to this guy? It seems pretty far fetched to believe that he has such a raging hard on for destroying my life, unless you stop to consider the very likely possibility that he's slipping his cock into the child molesting whore.. Let's face it... A dude's gotta defend his fucking girlfriend, Right?

How on Earth did I learn that this Dickwad was after my job again, you may ask?

Little did I know that my tenure with the world's largest Quick Service Restaurant was coming to an abrupt halt, regardless. I was clearly sent to Epsom to be driven out. And that is ultimately what happened.
Every Second Assistant Manager that has been sent there in the last 3 years has been gone within six months. Why? They've either been driven to tears, coerced into violence, or fired for some ridiculous bullshit that was very obviously concocted in the brain of the store's evil, Fraggle looking cunt bag of a First Assistant... Now, I don't wanna name names, but it starts with:
Judi Bluto.
I know I've mentioned her on the podcast before... Either way... I was a goner the second they decided to ship me there.
A week after my last day, when I finally calmed down enough to actually talk to one of my former coworkers, I decided to break my silence about the situation to Ty... We spoke honestly with each other about the whole situation and came to the conclusion that it (my leaving the company) was ultimately the best decision for all parties... So, during the conversation, she mentions something I wasn't aware of. Seems Mr. Lord made another complaint. I didn't see it. But I guess (according to her) he went apeshit. He scolded them for not firing me 6 months prior, let them know about all of "the horrible shit I say around my daughter" and provided detailed directions to Project MAYHAM and the podcast, so they could "see/hear for themselves". Again.. They knew better. But... That ain't the fucking point.
Just for shits and grins.. My former area supervisor actually sat down during his lunch one day and listened to a whole episode. He kinda dug it. Just saying.

Fast Forward to the second week of my employment with my former competitor. Now... I wanted to start fresh. You know... After all of the drama at McDonald's, I just wanted to keep what I did on my own time private. Keep it sorta "professional"... I didn't tell them about the blog, the podcast... NOT A THING. Then one day, I roll in at five in the morning to my training manager asking me how well Kim and myself were getting along these days....

I'll get into the history involving my training manager...
Quickly... She's been my friend for years. She was in court on my behalf last summer during the Domestic Violence shit, not only because she had seen our (completely non-violent) dynamic behind closed doors, but alsoooo... wait for it... She's the mother of the kid that Kim babysat for 6 months, without knowing that it was unlawful for her to do so.... Which resulted in a probation violation, and landed my loving ex-wife in the clink for two months. She was also one of the people that Don sent messages to.

Needless to say... She was aware of the history. Her boss, also my brand spanking new boss, was not. Turns out Dunks got an email. Yup. Saying ridiculous shit like how, if I were ever to transfer to Alton, they would lose business... How they should keep me away from underage girls... Directions to the blog/podcast, etc.
I think you know where this is going. The difference is: These guys don't know me from a hole in the wall. They just hired me off the street to run one of their restaurants. Now they're getting "customer complaints" from this fucking guy, saying who the fuck knows what.

So there I am.. in panic mode. I'm calling Arielle... Defcon 4. Shut It Down. I had her take down Episode 12. I'm trying to get a hold of Big Cat at 7am to let him know that we have to suspend production until further notice. (Which, based on his disappearance the last few weeks, I think he took that shit seriously.) I'm scrambling around, trying to secure an alternate spot for Project MayHAM... This is exactly why I didn't want any of these guys to know about any of this shit. I don't need this Hell following me everywhere. Yet... Here I am, worrying that I may lose my job cuz' my new bosses don't know the history, and are taking this complaint seriously..

That's IT.

Next post... the aftermath.
And I'm putting out the call.

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